What is Zandy?
Zandy is an Android application for working with a Zotero library on your Android device (for now, it needs to be running Android 2.2 or later). The goal is to do everything that Zotero itself can do, but for now we’re settling for viewing, modifying, adding references, viewing and modifying notes, and viewing attachments.
Zandy can be downloaded from the Android Market and the Amazon App Store. Note that the version in the Amazon App Store may at times be a little older, due to the store’s review process.
And what’s Zotero? Zotero is the greatest piece of research management software out there, mainly because it’s the only one with a fanatic community around it, providing support for thousands of academic and non-academic websites, and great plugins for everything from word processing to mapping to file management.
Logging In
When you first open Zandy, the first thing you’ll see is the basic main menu, with three large, bland buttons: “View Collections”, “View Items” and “Log In”. No frills, just those three.
Before working with your library, you’ll need to connect Zandy to your Zotero account. To do this, press the “Log in” button. You’ll be sent to the Zotero webpage to give permission for the application to access your data. Just enter your username and password as usual, and accept the authorization request. Note that for Zandy to work fully with your Zotero library, you’ll need to give it write access to your library. To do so, click red “Change Permissions” button, and check the boxes “Allow notes access” and “Allow write access”. Then click “Accept Defaults” at the top of the page (yes, even if you’ve already modified the permissions).
Note: It’s important that you just accept or decline the request from Zandy when on the Zotero site, since the authorization process will be interrupted if you, say, decide to browse your library at zotero.org, or even log in and out.
It isn’t necessary to provide write access and note access, but keep in mind that Zandy will still allow you to create notes and make changes locally, without these changes propagating to the server. This may lead to confusion at times, but the main features should work nonetheless.
If you’re having trouble with this process, there’s a manual way to give Zandy access to your Zotero library: see Setting up and changing Zotero.org credentials in the Extra Tips section below.
Once you’ve logged in, you can actually start a sync with the server and get to work.
To start a sync, bring up the menu by pressing your device’s menu button, and touch “Sync”. A message will appear, confirming that a sync has been initiated. The exact data that will be requested from the Zotero server depends a little on what you’re viewing when you initiate a sync, so you should first touch “View Collections” to enter the collections view, then initiate the sync. Zandy will request the full collection list from the server. When you leave the collections view and return to it, the newly loaded collections will be shown.
Minor bug alert: It’s a little inconvenient that the collection list isn’t immediately updated as soon as the sync is complete. This is a general problem with Zandy right now; the interface isn’t usually updated to reflect changes until you leave a screen and come back to it. I’m working on this and hope to eliminate this potentially confusing bit pretty soon. Bear with me.
The general behavior of syncs is that Zandy first sends any locally modified items to the server, such as new items or ones where you’ve edited any fields (more on that later). It then requests updated data for the currently visible collection, if one is being browsed, or for the whole list of collections, if the collection list is being viewed. This means that Zandy doesn’t necessarily always have a complete and up-to-date copy of your library; it instead tries to maintain up-to-date versions of the parts of the library that you’re using.
This behavior can be changed by checking the “Aggressive Syncing” box in Settings. When this is set, Zandy will always attempt to keep the entire library up-to-date. This will mean more traffic.
Once you have some collections and items synced up, you can start exploring. The main way to move around your library in Zandy is by browsing collections, so we start by touching “View Collections” on the initial Zandy screen. If you’ve successfully synced your library, you should see a list of collections, each with the number of (synced) child items and subcollections, as well as sync status, listed.
Note, however, that you don’t have to navigate by collection; you can tap “View items” to see the whole item list, and initiate a sync from that view to get the entire library. You can then navigate using searches or tags.
To drill down and see the subcollections of a collection, just tap it. To open a collection and view the items in it, touch and hold (long-tap) the collection. If a collection is marked “Partial data”, that means that Zandy hasn’t yet attempted to retrieve an item list for that collection; an attempt to view its items will cause Zandy to issue a sync request.
Note: Collection membership in Zandy works just like in Zotero, which means that a single item can belong to any number of collections, and that a view of the items in a collection will not ordinarily show the items in that collection’s subcollections, unless the items were added to both the subcollection and the parent collection explicitly. This can be a little confusing at times.
The basic metaphor across Zandy is tap to open, tap-and-hold to edit: Tap a collection to open its subcollections. Tap-and-hold a collection to show its items (OK, that’s not really editing). Tap an item to see its details, tap-and-hold a detail to modify it. Tap the creator summary (list of last names) to get a view of their full names and roles. Tap-and-hold a creator in this view to modify or delete it. Tap the tag list to get a view of the tags and the tag type (automatic, user). Tap-and-hold a tag in that view to modify or delete it.
The other main axis of navigation is simply the back button– it’s the best way to go back to the collection you were viewing, or the item list, etc.
Search your library
In addition to the hierarchy of collections, you can use searches to navigate your collection. To search, open the options menu and tap Search. At present, the search is limited to item titles and creators. On devices with a physical search button, press it to initiate a search. Note that searches can only be initiated from item listings, and they do not limit the results to the collection currently being viewed.
Future releases of Zandy will bring support for more search fields and for saved searches.
There are several types of editing currently supported by Zandy.
Item Fields. Tap an item in a collection to see its full field list, then tap-and-hold a field. A dialog will pop up to modify the field content.
Creators. Tap the creators when viewing item details to see the full creator list, then tap-and-hold one of the creators. The creator dialog lets you set the creator role, such as Author, Translator or Editor, as well as set the creator’s name using one- or two-field mode. Enter the name in the upper two fields if in two-field mode, or check “Single Field” and enter it in the lower box if single-field mode is intended. In the latter case, the contents of the first two fields will be discarded. You can also delete a creator using the “Delete” button in the dialog.
Tags. Tags work much like creators, but have just one field in their dialog. Tap the tags when viewing item details to see the full tag list, then tap-and-hold one of the tags. Tap a tag to view a list of items with that tag.
Collections. Collections memberships are shown just like tags. Tap a collection in the list to view it or remove that membership, and select “New” from the options menu to add the current item to another collection.
New Items. While viewing an item list, you can create a new item by showing the menu and pressing the “New” button. You will be prompted to choose an item type, then brought to the item details screen. You can also add new items from the browser and by identifier lookup, manually entered or scanned from a bar code. See the sections below.
Item Type. Item type cannot currently be changed from within Zandy. This will be fixed in a later release.
Changes made from within Zandy are synced as described above in “Syncing”.
Notes and Attachments
You can download and view file attachments to your Zotero items. Tap the “Attachments” item in the item details view, then tap the attachment you’re interested in. Once it downloads, it’ll open in an appropriate viewer app on your phone. Once Zotero’s API brings support for modifying attachments, Zandy will support uploads and annotations too. Attachment viewing works for attachments stored in Zotero File Storage or on a WebDAV server. A WebDAV setup requires some more setup– specify the server information in the Zandy preferences. Zandy’s WebDAV support currently doesn’t allow self-signed SSL certificates, so you may need to use HTTP and not HTTPS if you are running your own server (see Ticket #66).
Zandy also does not support HTTP Digest authentication, so you will need to use Basic authentication (see Ticket #130).
To view item notes, tap “Attachments” in the item details view, and tap the desired note to read and edit it. To create a new note, select “New” from the options menu while viewing the attachment list. Note that Zandy does not support rich-text editing of notes, so you may find that many of your notes have a lot of raw HTML tags in them. Sorry about that– a fix is planned, but it may take some time to implement.
Standalone notes are listed alongside regular items, just like in the desktop Zotero client.
Browser Integration
If you find interesting pages while browsing the web, you can send them to Zandy using your device’s “Send Page” function; this will create an webpage item in your library with the page’s title and URL. Zandy can’t yet produce webpage snapshots or run site translators like Zotero proper, but that’s planned too. Since this uses the general “share” intent on Android, you may find that you can send links from other apps too, not just the browser.
Identifier lookup / Barcode scanning
You can now add items by entering an ISBN manually, or by scanning a bar code. To use this feature, select “Add by identifier” from the options menu while viewing any item list. The item should be added to the currently open collection. The metadata isn’t perfect yet, but it’s a start. A future release, probably in the 1.2.x series, will request better metadata from the Library of Congress catalog when available. This feature uses the great zxing library, and it’ll prompt you to install a bar code reader if it’s not already installed on your device.
When the new item has been fetched, Zandy will open the item details view to make any further changes, rather like the integration with the browser’s Send function.
The ISBN lookup is limited by the scope of WorldCat’s index, so you may find that some non-Western publications are not found.
Extra Tips
Setting up and changing Zotero.org credentials. In addition to the process described above (it’s called OAuth), it’s also possible to set your Zotero.org credentials manually. Press the options/menu button on your device to bring up the application menu, and press “Settings”. You can then set your user ID and API key manually. To find those out and set them up, see the “API Keys” section of the preferences for your account at Zotero.org; note that the user ID is a numeric ID, not your username.
To log out of Zotero, clear the contents of the User ID and API Key fields in the Zandy settings. You can log in again using the main screen button or by manually entering credentials, as described above.
Switching users. Changing the credentials in the Zandy settings can convince Zandy to communicate with Zotero as another user, but it’s likely to cause a bit of a mess. To switch users, the easiest way is to reset the Zandy application data from the Android preferences and start anew.
WebDAV. Zandy’s support for WebDAV is brand-new, and it’s currently limited to opening PDFs. This is largely an artificial limitation, and it should be lifted in the coming week or so. I have also found that Android PDF readers, including Adobe’s reader, sometimes fail to open items without a .pdf extension, as sometimes occurs with attachments fetched from the server. Try another PDF reader if this happens.
Getting Help
If you’re having any trouble with Zandy, or you have any ideas to improve it, I want to hear it!
Just post to the Zandy forum, or contact me via email: zandy@gimranov.com, via Twitter: @ajlyon, or on Google+.
Also, please submit crash reports on any crashes that might occur–the reports provide valuable information on the precise cause of the crash, making it easy to provide a quick fix. See Troubleshooting.
For the more technically inclined, you can also take a look at Zandy’s home on GitHub, where you’ll find the source code, current open issues, and progress on the upcoming release milestones.
Known Issues
- Conflict resolution is not implemented. This means that local changes will fail to propagate to the server if the item has changed on the server side. Updated data from the server received on a sync will silently overwrite the local changes. It is advisable to sync frequently to prevent such conflicts, at least until this issue is resolved. (Ticket #18)
- As described above, changes do not always display immediately in the current collection. This affects the outcome of syncs in particular.
- Items deleted using the traditional Zotero client are not removed from Zandy when syncing.
Just like the Zotero project itself, Zandy is licensed under a Free license, the Affero GNU General Public License, version 3. That means, among other things, that all the source code is freely available, and you can make changes and distribute those changed versions yourself. It is based in small part on the code by Martin Paul Eve to make a Mendeley client for Android. It also uses icons from FamFamFam’s Silk icon set, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license, and icons from the free icon set provided by Glyphish, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States license. Finally, Zandy uses an OAuth implementation from the oauth-signpost project, which is licensed under the Apache license, version 2, and code from the great zxing project for barcode scanner integration, under the same Apache license.
Item metadata for ISBNs is provided by the OCLC xISBN service.
You might be wondering– if Zandy is licensed under a Free license, why does it cost $3.99 on the Android Market and Amazon? Well, that’s because I think it’s worth that much, and that’s enough to make it worthwhile for me to keep working on the project and make it the greatest way to keep up on your research from Android devices. Still, the beauty of it being Free software is that any interested person can take the code and compile it for themselves, or even build a new, even competing project off of it, with the sole caveat that they have to share their modified code.
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Any plan for an iPhone/iPad version of Zandy? That would be great!
There are apparently some people working on an iOS application that would be provide essentially the same functionality. I don’t know the status of it, but there were some posts to the Zotero developers’ list about a month ago that indicated that it was “nearly ready”.
If that effort doesn’t pan out, I would be interested in writing one myself, but first I’d need to acquire an iOS device (iPad / iPod / iPhone), and the whole code would need to be rewritten in Objective-C. Not that I’d mind, but I can’t do that anytime soon.
Thank you so much for making us able to work with zotero on mobile.
I think two features would be a must-have in the future:
– The management of attachements, including the ones stored on a private webdav.
– A tablet interface.
That would be fantastic!
Tablet support and WebDAV attachments are planned. Note that attachments stored in Zotero File Storage are already supported. Glad things are working for you!
I just got WebDAV working in the development version of Zandy. If you’d like, I can send you a copy to test out. Drop me a line at zandy@gimranov.com.
I did update with the version in the market, but it’s not working properly working yet. Maybe it is beacause I have to specify the port in the webdav url, or because my username is in the form name@domain.com Any idea if that could be that? Anyway, thanks for all the frequent updates. And the scan feature is priceless!
With a port specified, the URL should read something like:
Can you open that URL in your web browser?
Ports specified in this way should work automatically, but I haven’t tested with them myself. If you have it in this form, there may be more troubleshooting options we can try.
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Pingback: Zandy 1.2 – ISBN lookup and WebDAV support | Contact in the Russian Empires
I’ve been following this with interest and I want to encourage you to continue development. Personally, I am waiting for you to implement conflict resolution before committing to it. Synching PDFs from my WebDAV storage to a tablet–for easier reading and annotation–is far and away the main reason I want something like this, and I am very worried about losing data. I had a bad experience with Dropbox, you see, and to date there is really no viable alternative except the venerable sneaker net, via SD cards. RepliGo is finally up-to-speed with scanned documents, so this is the last missing piece.
If you simply don’t allow Zandy write access when creating the its API key, Zandy will never affect your database. Conflict resolution at present is always resolved in favor of the the server, meaning you can never upload modified data from Zandy that overwrites server-side modifications. Attachment uploading is still on its way, pending either extensions to the API or a helper plugin for the Zotero client. In the meantime, it is possible to use Zandy to read items and their attachments, but annotations made on your device won’t sync.
That last sentence nails it on the head, I’m afraid. My feedback is that if you have a list of ranked priorities, I vote for that to be at the top.
Thanks for replying.
Attachment workflows are my top priority, to such a degree that I’m not satisfied waiting for the Zotero team to add attachment uploading, so I plan on writing a Zotero plugin that accomplishes the same thing.
I installed Zandy on motorola milestone with Android 2.2 and works great, pulling all my refs from a webdav. Only concern is: seems all is stored on the main memory – any way to use the SD card? I would love to have all my library handy offline…
I believe that Zandy should be storing the attachments on the SD card– it tries to store to “external storage”, which generally should be the SD card. The database is kept on internal storage (main memory), but it shouldn’t get very large (certainly under 1MB, unless your library is truly huge). Are you sure that the attachments are being stored on the internal storage? If so, I’ll look into this some more, but that’s not the intent.
I checked under settings-manage applications, and it says app is taking 392kB and data 1.88Mb which is probably reasonable as I have 579 references. I was just wondering whether it would be possible to move something to the SD card (I am not talking about attachments like the pdf). Thans anyway. Pietro
Well, 1.88MB is about 4.9KB per reference, which does seem like more than I’d expect. I hadn’t done any proper analysis of this element of the program, so I was assuming no more than 500-800B per reference. I’ll look into what can be done to reduce the amount data in the database or to move it to the SD. Moving to SD has performance implications, so I’m hesitant to do so, but I’ll investigate.
Thanks for pointing this out. Look for improvements in future releases.
Hi, there seems to be an issue with syncing notes in zandy 2.2. At least with me though attachments are synced quite fine, none of my notes is synced down to the android device while notes that were created on the android device are not synced up to zotero. Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for a great app. I have been using it (and paying for it) for a couple of months. My largest set of references is in a private group library that I share with other members of my research team. Is there any way to get access to that from Zandy? It seems like this may be what is mentioned in request #28, but I was not sure whether I was missing a feature that was already there.
–Rusty Bobrow
Yes– group libraries are not yet supported. I am currently finishing up my university obligations for this quarter, but I’ll working on lifting some of the current limitations of Zandy, including this one, in the next development sprint, which I’ll be starting in the next week or so. This will work, and I know it’s really important for a lot of power users. So bear with me and I’ll try to get this feature out as soon as I can.
thanks for the quick reply. I look forward to the next version when your academic schedule permits
I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t missed a feature through misreading the documentation
Dear Avram,
I am eagerly waiting for Group Libraries access. Any news on that?
Dear Avram, I am also waiting for the group library support. Group libraries are really all I currently use in Zotero 😉
Except for this Zandy works fine – but totally unusable for me at the moment.
Best wishes,
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate the effort and thought you are putting into this… I am a new Zotero user, and I can say that it has made a definite positive impact on my organization habits. I would like to make a request… I recently purchased a Nook Tablet, and discovered that it does not have access to the general Android marketplace despite running Android 2.3, but requires App purchase through the Barnes and Noble marketplace. I saw that you had made Zandy available on Amazon… could you look into putting it on B&N as well? Now that the Nook Tablet has been released, there may be a significant number of Zotero users in my same situation, as the Nook and Kindle Fire are dominating the budget tablet market.
I just put in a request for a Nook developer account. I don’t know how long the approval process might take, but I’ll try to get Zandy into the B&N store as well.
It is very, very easy to install the Amazon app market on a Nook, even if you have the new Nook Tablet, and then “sideload” whatever apps you like–and without even rooting the thing. The older Nook Color poses no obstacles whatsoever. I have no experience with Unix commands, and I was able to do it with only 15-20 minutes of research. Google for help, and check out the forums on XDA (the latter can get a bit technical).
Thank you for the great app.
I am using it on the htc flyer (the one with the pencil), so I am used to mark things in the pdfs. It would be nice to have the upload function of the attachments.
– Martin
I’m also eagerly waiting for attachment write access, so we can do annotations, and other fun things like using the camera to scan documents. The relevant tracking bug for this is issue 50.
Pingback: Interview d’Avram Lyon, développeur de Zandy, client zotero pour Android | Zotero francophone
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Thanks for this app. I’m having difficulty with downloading attached PDFs from Zotero ZFS. I see the PDF listed under attachments but get an error message stating, ” No application available to open URI: ” after answering in the affirmative to the question “View this online? ”
I get the same error: no application to open URI when opening pdf attachments. My main purpose was to use my tablet or phone for reading while commuting. Would be grateful if anybody had an answer to this.
Great app! Is there any chance you will recompile to port to the Blackberry Playbook?
No, I won’t be porting this to the Blackberry platform– that would require a complete rewrite of the code. Sorry!
There is an android player built into the Blackberry Playbook and BB10 operating systems, so it may be possible simply to run Zandy through the automated conversion process that transforms an android apk file into a Blackberry bar file. I’d like to know if Zandy works as an android port on the Playbook before purchasing the program.
Can’t wait to use this app! I’ve just purchased in from the Android Market on my Samsung galaxy Tab 10.1, but when I try to log in I receive a “Communication with the service provider failed: null”. Is this a temporary connectivity issue? Related to the model or settings of my device?
Does that show up when you are in the Android Browser, or in Zandy? Do you log into Zotero.org first?
This error was in Zandy, and having successfully logged into Zotero with the android browser does not appear to have made a difference.
Looking into this, it seems that this error can occur if your system time is incorrect (that is, if it differs by more than several minutes from the server time); can you make sure that your tablet has the time (and timezone) set correctly?
Looks like this may be an issue related to the WiFi only version, which does not do automatic time updates. I’m currently looking into solutions from this. Thank you for responding so quickly.
Time and timezone confirmed, including timezone in Google account. There may be a variation of a few seconds between system time and actual time, and I have an app for manual reset if system time varies by a given amount. Not sure if this smaller discrepancy will be an issue, I am trying to avoid a factory reset but will likely try this if no other solution presents itself.
Please continue this discussion on the Zandy forum, since the comments thread here isn’t really the best option. More troubleshooting instructions here: http://www.gimranov.com/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/11/
You can log into the forum by clicking the Facebook, Google, or OpenID buttons to authenticate and create an account on the forum.
Zandy duplicates elements in the standalone zotero library when I add notes in my android device… ¿?
That shouldn’t happen, of course. I’ll look into it this evening; thanks for mentioning it. That definitely wasn’t a problem before, but perhaps it has since become one.
Thanks for Sandy. Although I am excited for this tool, I am having a lot of problems with saving from websites. I cannot seem to make zandy save more than 1 without starting an entirely new browsing session. For ex if I save a google search result then try to save another page the google result keeps saving multiple times and new save is not completed. Is this a bug with the Kindle fire or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your response,
I have an Iconia 500a. I have been tryiing using zandy, but: login button says: “communication with the service provider failed: null”
i agreed, this is a fantastic article for all the newbie too…http://www.ojogosdomario.com
I have just purchased this and am using it on a kindle fire. However at the moment it is not really working for me. It would be great to be able to sync all attachments in one go. I appreciate that editing/annotation is a little way off but at the moment having to download each attachment one at a time is a pain to say the least. I have hundreds of documents in my library and the main reason for getting zandy is so that I can always have my library with me.
I have also found quite a few documents/entries where the attachments are not showing up, rendering them useless.
I second this request – the app seems to work well on my tablet, but it would be much more useful if there was a setting to force ‘sync’ of the attachments. (I understand that true two-way sync is difficult, but even being able to automatically get all of the PDFs from my Zotero storage would be a big improvement.)
I do think that if you implement this it should be as a setting not as a default – I am running Zandy on a tablet so (a) it has a decent amount of storage and (b) it only connects using WiFi; if I were running it on a phone I imagine I might want to avoid it using up my limited storage and eating up my network data allowance.
I believe I may have been the first to ask for Group Library support, last December. I have given up on using Zandy for the most part, because I cannot keep duplicating my group’s library in my personal library.
Zandy is potentially a very useful and valuable tool — but without Group Library support it is not useful for collaborative work.
Do you have any estimate on when this might be available?
Thank you for all you have done so far,
Rusty Bobrow
Hello coul you make it available for RIM Playbook
I read that it was quite easy (being cautious) with this term.
And it would be a great add to this tab.
I bought + installed twice (why was that necessary?) on Samsung Galaxy S3 running ICS (Android 4.0). Both times, attempting to start gets me a “Communication with the service provider failed’ message, entering numerical key doesn’t help. Suggestions please.
Avram, is it true, as reported, that you have discontinued work on, and support of Zandy?
I haven’t discontinued work on Zandy or support of it, but I have been struggling to find time to improve it since my work and study situation shifted earlier this year. I am fairly close to a release that will address much of the concern with the latest build, so I really hope to get that out in the coming weeks. Sorry for the much slowed pace of development here!
I was glad to see the update of Zandy som days ago. I still can not use it, but I know this was a step to support group libraries. 🙂
Hi again Avram,
How is the status of the project now?
Is there any free zotero bibliography software for android?
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its an interessting app. Is it possible to open and alter attached pdf files in an other app (like adobe reader itself or iannotate) for annotation or comments. I am looking for a solution to read the pdf files on my tablet (quite comfortable reading on couch / bed ;)).
To specify: the altered pdf files should be saved in the zotero bibliography after changing them…
Thanks for the nice overview. Is there a way to have fully functional zotero or compatible program that has a plugin to word for android? Thanks
I cannot get notes to sync!
Hey, I want to start using your app, but I have a couple of questions. Where does the database is stored in the mobile device? Is there a possibility to use the external storage (SD card)? Thanks!!
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